
of employees agreed or strongly agreed that EU Automation values diversity.


of employees agreed or strongly agreed that all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued at EU Automation. 


of employees agreed or strongly agreed that they have a real sense of belonging at EU Automation.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Here at EU Automation, we are a melting pot of nationalities, located across the globe and guided by our mission to supply the manufacturing world with industry-leading parts, service and speed.

In light of our mission we are committed to fostering, promoting and preserving a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging within our global locations, as we believe that this is at the heart of everything EU Automation does and believes in. Our people and our drive to succeed is fundamental to the success of EUA and we are committed to ensuring that we have effective policies, strategies, procedures, and processes that will strive to encourage behaviour which promotes equality, encourages diversity and contributes to an inclusive organisational culture,

We seek to continuously develop a work environment where we treat everybody with respect whilst working together, adapting to new ways of work and fulfilling our purpose in making manufacturing possible!

EU Automation works within the spirit and the practice of global equality and equal treatment acts and by creating this environment in which everyone can express and develop their potential, from the moment they are hired and throughout their career, means that we ensure all colleagues have the same opportunity to maximise their potential and succeed.. EUA promises to actively challenge any form of discrimination, should it ever arise.

All employees at EUA have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times and work together to #PlayYourPart and make manufacturing possible!